Friday, 8 June 2012

Summer table settings

What can be more inviting when visiting a friend for dinner, than a beautiful table.

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Outside living..

Whilst we've had only a very small taste of the summer here in Blighty, it's nice to dream..

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Friday, 9 March 2012

Palm Springs

Probably about as rough and ready as you'd get in Palm Springs. Stunning colours mixed with a retro ranch style.

Thursday, 8 March 2012

The hunt is over...

... I've found my house in Spain. This little gem is in Madrid. If only..

Ohhhh cushions...

Particularly love the colours. Something I'd love to make myself.

Schuyler Samperton interiors

I'm loving this look, full of colour and texture (and a little bit of pink!).


 As the leaves start to show themselves and the mornings are brighter I can't wait to purchase hydrangeas for my garden and then scatter them around the house.